RE Casper – StreetPX: "The Street Is Like A Theater"

I let the world evolve around me and pick out little moments along the way.
— RE Casper

In this episode, I invited RE Casper on the show. He is a fellow podcaster and founder of StreetPX. He himself describes his show as a „photographic chat over coffee“. There is no planned format to his interviews.

In the StreetPX-Podcast, Casper and his co-host Jim Watkins just go with the flow and see where they end up in the conversations with their guests. I like this approach so much that I hijacked the concept for this interview. I hope you enjoy out talk. Get ready for a wild ride through street photography as we cover a lot of ground. Casper gives great advice on how to take better pictures in urban settings. He’s not only an experienced and highly entertaining podcaster, but he also teaches workshops on the streets of San Francisco. One technique that we talk about is the so called “Dexter Method”.

New Podcast Coming One quick announcement for all listeners who don’t speak German. So far, this podcast has been mostly in German with just a few episodes in English every now and then – just as this one. I’d like to change that. I have another photography which I founded in 2012. It’s called „The Art of Creative Photography“. In spring this year I’d like to connect a podcast to that blog. The blog is all about promoting photographic ideas and stimulating visual creativity. So, no gear talk, I promise you as I’m not a very techy myself. The idea is rather to invite photographers from all around the world and talk with them about their creative vision. Not just street photographers, but photographers from all kinds of different genres such as photojournalism, documentary photography, fine art or landscape.

I’d like to get to the heart of questions like: What is it, that makes people pick up a camera and take pictures?

I believe that knowing the why is essential and a key to meaningful work. It’s hugely beneficial to sit back and think about the reasons why one presses the shutter button.

Another question is: What does it take to make a photograph outstanding? What are the ingredients – not only in terms of composition? And – last but not least: How do you develop a unique voice in photography?

All these questions, I’ll discuss with my guests. Hopefully their answers and advice will help you to grow as a photographer and take your craft to a higher level. If you are interested in that show, please head over to „The Art of Creative Photography“ and subscribe to the newsletter. I’ll then let you know when the podcast goes online. Thank you very much.

RE Casper

The street is like a theater and everybody in it is just the cast and crew. It’s a show I’ve never heard of.
— RE Casper

Learn more about RE Casper on his website, where you’ll also find information about his workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Make sure to check out Casper’s podcast „StreetPX“. It’s a bi-weekly „relaxed conversational show“ about photography. Casper’s co-host is Jim Watkins.

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