Soumya Shankar Ghosal: Meeting Steve McCurry On The Streets Of Kolkata

Probably the best photographs are the ones which we miss to shoot.
— Soumya Shankar Ghosal

Indian photographer Soumya Shankar Ghosal takes us on the buzzling streets of Kolkata. He shares his secrets of capturing compelling snippets of everday life, gives deep insights into the city he lives in and Indian culture in general. In addition to that, Soumya tells the story of how he met legendary photojournalist Steve McCurry on a photowalk in Kolkata.

I hope you find value in my conversation with Soumya. He sure is an inspiring visual storyteller. If you’d like to discover more great photographer’s from all around the world, just head over to „The Art of Creative Photography“.

Besides GATE7, that’s my other online photography projects where I talk to amazing visual storytellers from all kinds of different genres such as street photography, portrait photography, photojournalism and fine art for example. They all share their secrets and give lots of practical advice that helps you to become a better photographer.

I’ll soon launch a podcast on that site as well which will only be in English. So, if you enjoyed this conversation with Soumya, please check out „The Art of Creative Photography“. Sign up for the newsletter and I’ll let you know, when the new podcast hits the air.

Meanwhile you can listen to more episodes in English on this podcast:

  • RE Casper: „StreetPX: „The Street Is Like A Theater“

  • Rinzi Ruiz: „Street Zen – Or Photography As A Meditative Practice“

  • Dimitris Makrygiannakis: „Remembering Life Through Photography“

  • Marc Fairhurst: „Why Did You Take That Shot?“

  • Dmitry Stepanenko: „Heavy Colour“ Street Photography

  • Darran K Roper: „The Thrill Of Finding Moments“

  • Dyanne Wilson: „Chasing The Northern Lights in Yellowknife“

  • Jason Koxvold: „KNIVES“ – Left Behind In Rural America

  • Luc Kordas: „Loneliness In New York City“

Soumya Shankar Ghosal

Street Photography is mostly a happy experience. One gets to meet people and learn new things. I have been born and brought up in the city of Kolkata but have understood the psyche of the city through Street Photography. I strive to shoot unadulterated situations and non-posed photographs.
— Soumya Shankar Ghosal

Soumya Shankar Ghosal is a street photographer from Kolkata, India. Soumya had been featured before on my online-photography-magazine „The Art of Creative Photography“: „Hidden Stories In The Ordinary“

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