Darran K Roper: "The Thrill Of Finding Moments"
For Darran K Roper photography means a creative interaction with his surroundings. He believes: When you are seeing through your desire to create something, everything holds a little more interest. This ability gets lost over time, says Darran, and photography is a means of reawakening it.
Darran goes on and explains: „The task of finding statements separated from the everyday, is the single goal of street photography. A side effect of street photography is, you begin to see the marvel of the everyday, no moment or place can be discounted. Your mind and senses harmonize to show you where moments may reside, where the light may be favorable and how a situation may change. When I am on a walk, I am free, there is nothing, except this search for a statement that I may, or may not find.“
In this interview, Darran explains what street photography means to him and he talks about his moments of doubts regarding the quality of his own work. This is something most photographers are likely to experience at some point. It’s the moment when it’s time to step up and take your craft to the next level. Darran also talks about that and shares how he pushed himself to grow as an image maker.
Darran K Roper
Darran K Roper works as a software developer in Reading, England. In his free time he roams the streets with his camera looking for the marvel of everyday moments. Darran has been featured before on my online-photography-magazine „The Art of Creative Photography“: „Relaxed and Purposeful“
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