Dmitry Stepanenko: "Heavy Colour" Street Photography

For me the most important is an aesthetic pleasure. I want the same for the people who see my photographs.
— Dmitry Stepanenko

My guest today is street photographer Dmitry Stepanenko. Originally from the Ukraine, he is currently based in London. He is a member of the street photography collective called “The Street Collective”.

I first came across his work when I interviewed him for my blog „The Art of Creative Photography“ five years ago. Now I’m very happy to follow up with him on my podcast. In his images, Dmitry is looking for „clean shots“ and geometry. For him street photography is something that happens in the moment, without previous planning. As to his photographic language and creative process Dmitry says: „For me the most important thing when I look at the photograph is the answer to the simple question whether it provides my with aesthetic pleasure. If the answer is yes, I do not care much about the rest. What can give me that sort of pleasure is a much more difficult question. It can be anything from the “decisive moment” to the nice arrangement of colors.“

In this interview – among other things – we talk about Dmitry’s influences in street photography, how he developed his photographic vision and why it’s important to have mentors on the way to become a better image maker. We also talk about his recent book „Heavy Color“ and discuss the editing process behind it.

Another topic we touch on is the „London Street Photography Festival“ of which Dmitry is one of the organizers. The second edition will take place between the 3rd and 5th of August this year. It’s a non-commercial event where emerging street photographers are given a platform to show their work. There are also panel discussions, photo walks, photo critiques and different kinds of workshops. It’s free to attend. The link to the website can be found in the shownotes of this episode.

Please also head over to „The Art of Creative Photography“. I’ll soon launch a podcast on that site which will only be in English. You can subscribe to the newsletter and I’ll let you know when the show kicks off. But now, thank you very much for listening and enjoy the interview with Dmitry Stepanenko.

Dmitry Stepanenko

For me the most important thing when I look at the photograph is the answer to the simple question whether it provides my with aesthetic pleasure. If the answer is yes, I do not care much about the rest.
— Dmitry Stepanenko

Learn more about Dmitry Stepanenko on his website. Please also check out the other artists of „The Street Collective“ and follow their work on Facebook and Instgram.

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Kai Behrmann

Hallo, ich bin Kai. Fotografie bedeutet für mich erleben. Es geht nicht nur um das Einfrieren eines Moments, sondern darum, ihn zunächst aktiv zu spüren. Und zwar mit allen Sinnen. Erst dann kommt die Kamera ins Spiel.

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